jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009

Financial Frictions and Macroeconomic Adjustment: FMI

Este fue el título de la 10a Conferencia en investigación que se realizó a principios de Noviembre organizada por el FMI. En el siguiente post de Blanchard presenta un interesante resumen de los principales temas y ligas para acceder a los trabajos
1. Household leverage played a critical role in shaping the dynamics during the current U.S. recession
2. New insurance mechanisms are needed for the prevention of , and responses to, financial crises
3. Balance sheet adjustment has come with reallocation of assets across financial players
4. Global banking flows play a critical role in the spread of the crisis
5. Debt overhang can have major macroeconomic effects
6. There are two-way linkages between the dynamics of financial intermediaries’ balance sheets and fluctuations in asset prices

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